In this episode, we're sharing some exciting changes that are coming your way for season two of Unabridged. Among them, some big changes include
Unabridged Book Club - Each month, we'll read a book together and will have online discussions via Facebook and Instagram, and we'll start having in person meetings in Harrisonburg, VA, beginning in October. #unabridgedbookclubUnabridged
Highlights - On the third week of each month, we'll have a feature episode highlighting an author, event, social issue, or topic related to the book world. Our first example of this was our episode highlighting three of Jason Reynolds's books, Ghost, When I Was the Greatest, and Long Way Down. #unabridgedhighlights
Also in Season Two -
Patreon - We now have a Patreon page and look forward to providing swag and extra content for our Patreon supporters. These funds from our supporters will help us do more giveaways, provide more support for classroom libraries, and dive deeper into the podcast.Unabridged
Shorts - We're excited to continue with our Unabridged Shorts Episodes this season and look forward to expanding and deepening those topics as this season progresses. #unabridgedshorts
Interested in what else we're reading? Check out our Featured Books page.
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