A message from Ashley, Jen, and Sara:
Thank you to all of you who listen, support, and promote our podcast. We are so thankful for all of you. We wish each of you a wonderful holiday season.
Each of us is so excited for 2019, and we have so many exciting things planned for the new year. Stay tuned for exciting news to come!
In this special holiday episode, we're wrapping up three of our favorite Unabridged Short Story episodes!
Click the episode title to access show notes:
Episode 35, "Books We Don't Recommend but Would Love to Discuss" (01:33 - 14:26)
Episode 33, "Guilty Pleasure Reads" (14:36 - 26:55)
Episode 31, "Book-to-Screen Adaptations" (27:04 - end)
Interested in what else we're reading? Check out our Featured Books page.
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